*** MY DO LIST*** color comps., move bamboo to "west" side of mnts., not too symmetrical on mnts. , map out tunnels, mines, falls?, work up new rough of World Map, start on the glossary of world terms, work up sketches for color swatch usage (example of how it will work), sketches for day night color comparisons and possibly seasonal changes, rough village layout, work up possible camera angles...
12/10-12 Two and a Half Hours.. working through color schemes, swatches and reference material...
12/9 Three Hours.. Group meet at the library... old tree groves, interior work comes later, sketch out rough village layout, work on possible camera angles, story begins in the Spring.
12/5 One Hour.. IM with Rachel to discuss color and Saturday meeting, work out sketches with reference to color swatches, possibly use night and day comparisons, also keep in mind seasonal variation to environment.
12/3 One Hour.. color pallet and swatches for main village, wrote down color # to keep group consistancy in color schemes through out..
11/** Two Hours.. working with James to get Outlook fixed and possibly working (??)
11/27 One Hour.. Determined color scheme for main village, and possibly villain territory, volcanoes were mentioned...
11/19 Half hour.. plant sizes normal relation to character... add terms to World Glossary... talked about character power and abilities, tossed around ideas for main villain.
Cheers to a good and productive new year!!!