Monday, August 25, 2008

New things to come!

September is going to be very exciting! I will be bringing you Back2Basics, a new section on my site (or blog 2B determined soon!) that will be geared solely toward bringing us back to the basics of art (and photography), basically the fundamentals of where we started and generally ignore once we get somewhat established and set in our ways! So check out DurbinDigital regularly. You should also pay a visit to the MomShots website and check out the Tip Of the Week!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So maybe this is old news, BUT I just found that I could UPDATE my blog template so that I can add lots of NEW stuff! I am pretty jazzed about it, because now I can post short tutorial videos on art and digital painting, as well as digital scrapbooking! VERY KOOL!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Loooooooong Time NO Post!

It has been a long time since my last post!

BUT, it is all for good reason! I have finally gotten my website ( up and running (and ALWAYS under construction)... It will be ever-changing, because I am a picky person when it comes to my personal stuff and how it looks... It seems that it can ALWAYS be improved!

I am gradually picking up more hours teaching at the local community college, and through the summer I have taken on a Tech Support position (also at the local community college). So far, it has been a fun and interesting learning experience.

I have also joined a wonderful group of creative moms at as a contributing member, for Photoshop tips, and creative ideas for photographing your own children. For this site, I am looking forward to getting some tutorials out there to help make the photos we take "real keepers"!

ThanX for checking in! Please come again soon!

Monday, January 14, 2008

New Year - New Update

Well, we are off to a descent start in a new year! I have updated some of the links here on my blog space, and am finalizing the updates to my personal website

I am trying to get myself really motivated to rebuild my portfolio. Every time I think about it, I get a wee bit depressed. When my portfolio was stolen, I lost 3 1/2 years of my best, most recent work. It is really hard recovering from a loss like that, because employers want to see your work. Without your work, you can't get a job, because you can't prove your talent without your work.

Well this is the year I will take my work to the next level, and build a portfolio to be proud of.

I have picked up teaching a few more classes at the local community college, I am working on getting more digital scrapbooking things coordinated and running, I am also finishing up final details on my personal site (as I had mentioned above), and lastly I am devoting a number of hours per week to building a new portfolio, which means lots of art!!!

My motivational tool that I will be using for inspirations is the very large community of artists at . They have awesome numbers of activities and contests going at all times, and the topics are broad enough that the imagination has a lot of room to play! I am very excited in this new adventure, and I look forward to sharing my progress in the near future!